91Cont rol indica tor v for belt t ensionersThe b elt tensioners are elec tronicallymonitored together with the airbagsystems and the operation thereof isindicated on the instrument panel b y thecontrol indica tors v. When the ignition isswitched on, the control indica torsilluminate for ap prox . 4 seconds. If they donot illum inate, or they do not go off within4 seconds, or illuminate whilst driving, thereis a fault in the belt tensioner sy stem or theairbag sy stems – see page 99. The belttensioner or the a irb ag systems may notactivate if an ac cident occurs.The system’s integ ra ted self-diagnosticsallow s faults to be quickly remedied. haveCar Pass on ha nd when consulting aVauxhall App rov ed R epairer.The control indica tors can a lso be locatedin the tachometer display dial – seepage 36.Imp or tantz Accessories and other objects must notbe affixed or placed within the actionzone of the belt tensioners a s this mayresult in injury if the belt tensioners aretriggered.z Do not mak e any modifications to thecomponents of the belt tensioners, asthis will render the v ehicle unroadw orthy.z The belt tensioner and airbag sy stemcontrol electronics can be found in thecentre console area. In order to av oidmalfunctions, do not store mag neticobjects in this a rea.z We recom mend that you have the frontseats removed by a Vauxhall ApprovedRepairer.z The belt tensioners only actuate once.Please replace belt tensioners that havebeen triggered. We recom mend tha t youconsult a Vauxhall Approved Repairer.z When disp osing of the v ehicle, plea seobserve the applica ble safetyregulations. Please have the vehicledisposed of by a disp osal com pany. Werecommend that you consult a VauxhallApproved Repa irer.Hav e the cause of the fa ult remedied.We recommend that you consult aVauxhall Approved Repairer.Imp roper handling (e. g. removal orinstallation) can activ ate the belttensioners – risk of injury . PreviousNext |