226Insert the key in the lock cylinder on theleft-hand side of the coupling ball ba r a ndlock. The longer side of the key g rip mustpoint downwards. Remove the key and fitthe sealing cap to the lock cy linder.Imp or tantCheck that the coupling ball bar is correctlyattached:z Protective cap for levers 1 and 2 m ust befitted and locked in place.z C oupling ba ll bar must be seated firm lyin coupling housing.z C oupling ba ll bar must be locked andkey m ust be rem oved.Eye for b reak-aw ay st opping c ableIn the case of caravans/trailers with brakes,attach the break-away stop ping cable tothe eye – see page 229, Fig. 11741 S.Di sm ounting the coupl ing bal l barRemove the sealing cap from the lockcylinder. Insert the key in the lock cy linderand unlock . Remove the key a nd fit thesealing cap to the lock cy linder.Remove the protective c ap for lev ers1 and 2.Push lever 1 to the left with left hand.Push lever 2 forwards.Pull coupling ball bar out of couplinghousing.Insert the sealing plug in the hole for thecoupling ball b ar.Fitting the cover for the bumper cut-out:Push the two slider ca tc hes tow ards eachother, insert the cover and slide the catchesbac k outwards.Do not use steam -jet cleaners or otherhigh-pressure clea ners to clean thecoupling ball b ar.Towing a c aravan/trailer is onlypermitted w ith a properly attachedcoupling b all bar. If the coup ling ball barcannot be properly attached, consult aworkshop . We recommend that youconsult a Vaux hall Authorised Repairer.