132Pull shoulder belt of vehicle safety belt ov erback of child safety seat and lead intoback rest through outer slot facing directionof travel.Then lead shoulder belt beneath the beltbuckle integrated into the insid e of thechild safety seat and p ull tight.Fastening t he chi ld’s sea t beltPlac e child in child sa fety seat facing awayfrom direction of travel.Lead b elt b uck le from seat c onsole throughop ening in child safety seat.Depend ing on weight of child, guid e childsafety seat shoulder belts through upper orlow er guides in b ackrest.Route belt such that it does not exit b elowchild’ s shoulder level.K eeping them straight, guide shoulderbelts ov er child’s shoulders. Push shoulderbelt latch plates together and click into beltbuckle between child’s legs.To a djust sea t belt length, push m etal plateat front of child safety seat back rest andtighten or slacken free end of belt – see Fig.13538 J, page 116.Undo c hild’s seat beltTo undo the belt, p ress red button on childsafety seat belt b uck le and mov e shoulderbelts to side.