96In addition, the front airb ag sy stem will notbe triggered for the front passeng er in ver-sions with seat occ upa ncy recognition 3 ifz the front passenger’s seat is unoccupied,z correctly insta lled Vauxhall childrestraint system with transponders 3 .Seat occupancy detection – see p age 99.Vauxhall child restraint systems withtransponders 3 – see pages 110, 112.Side airb ag 3The side a irb ag system is identified by theword AIRBAG on the outb oa rd sides of thefront seat backrests.The side a irb ag system c om prisesz an airbag with infla tor in the back of thedriver’s and front passenger’s seatrespectively ,z the control electronics,z the side impact sensors,z the airbag systems control ind icator v inthe instrum ent panel,z seat occ upa ncy rec og nition 3,z the c ontrol indicator for Vauxhall childrestraint systems y with transponders 3in the instrument panel.The side airbag sy stem will be triggeredz depending on the sev erity of theaccident,z depending on the ty pe of im pact,z within the range shown in the illustrationon the centre d oor pillar of the driver’s orfront passenger side,z ind epend ently of the front airbagsy stem.Exception:Passenger sea t with sy stem for seatoccupancy recognition 3. The seatoccupancy recognition sy stem dea ctivatesthe pa ssenger front and sid e airbags if thepassenger sea t is unoccipied or a Vauxhallchild restraint system with transponders 3has been installed on the passenger seat.S eat occupancy recognition – see p age 99.Vauxhall child restraint system withtransponders 3 – see p ages 110, 112.Seat belts must therefore always beworn. The front airbag system serves tosupplement the three-point seat belts.If you d o not wear your seat belt you riskbeing seriously injured, or even thrownfrom the vehic le, in the ev ent of anaccident.In the event of an accident the belt helpsto keep you in the correct seatingposition, so that the front airb ag systemcan provide you with effectiveprotection.