19Rear window wiper 3 andwash system 3Operation:Wiper on = Push stalk forwardWiper off = Push stalk forwardagainwash = Press and holdThe rear window wiper wipes in tim edinterval mode. Continuous wiping takesplace during washing.The rear window wa sh system isdeactivated if wash fluid is low.6 Further inform ation –see pages 269, 270, 274.He ated rear window,heated ex terior mirrors:On = Press ÜOff = Press Ü againHeating operationa l only with enginerunning.The rea r window and exterior mirrorheating is sw itched off automa tic ally afterapprox. 15 minutes.6 Further information –see p ages 158, 165, 172.Clearing misted or icy windows:Set air dis tribution to l,turn rotary switches forheating and fan clockwiseAir conditioning sys tem 3:Push V and n buttons,turn rotary switch for heatingclockwiseO pen front air vents, direct side air ventstowards the door windows. Close centre airvents 3.6 Heating, ventilation – see pag e 154,air conditioning sy stem 3 – see page 160,electronic air conditioning system 3 – seepag e 167.