275Paintwork damageRepair small area s of p aint damage suc has stone impacts, scratches etc.immediately using a Va ux ha ll touch-upapplicator or Vauxhall sp ra y and touch-uppaint before rust can form . If rust hasalrea dy formed, ha ve the c ause remedied.We recommend that you consult aVauxhall Authorised Repairer. Please alsopay attention to surfaces and edg esbeneath the v ehicle where rust ma y haveformed unnoticed for some time.Exterior lightsHeadlamp and other protectiv e lam pbezels are made of plastic. If they requireadditional cleaning after the vehicle hasbeen washed, clea n them with C arShamp oo. Do not use any ab ra sive orcaustic agents, do not use an ice scraper,and do not clean them dry.Plastic and rubber partsFor add itional cleaning of plastic andrubb er parts use C leaner. Do not use anyother agent, and in particular do not usesolvents or petrol.Wheels and tyresDo not use high-pressure jet clea ners onwheels and tyres.Inte rior and upholsteryClea n the vehicle interior, including theinstrument panel facia, using interiorcleaner.Clea n fa bric upholstery with a va cuumcleaner and brush. For removal of stainsuse Cleaner, which is suitab le for bothfa brics a nd vinyl.Do not use cleaning agents such asacetone, carbon tetrachloride, paintthinner, paint remov er, nail v arnishremover, washing powder or blea ch toclean fabrics, ca rp ets, the dashboard orleather trim 3 in the vehicle interior.Benzine is also unsuitable.Seat beltsAlway s k eep seat b elts clean a nd dry.C lean only with lukewarm w ater or Cleaner.WindowsWhen cleaning the hea ted rear window,ma ke sure that the heating element on theinsid e of the window is not damaged.Use a soft lint-free cloth or chamois leatherin conjunction with Window Cleaner a ndInsect R emover.Vauxhall Wind screen Wash Solvent issuita ble for de-icing windows.For mec ha nical removal of ice, use acomm ercially available sharp-edged icescraper. Press the scraper firmly againstthe glass so that no dirt can get under itand scratch the glass.