221Use the valve cap key to mak e it easier tounscrew the v alve c aps. The key is locatedon the inside of the tank flap. On vehicleswith Tyre pressure control sy stem 3, thereis an adapter in the v alve cap k ey. Forfitting the pressure ga uge ada pter to thevalv e – see page 212.Tyre inflation pressures – see page 290 andlabel on inside of tank flap. After changingtyre siz es, have the la bel replaced.Do not reduce tyre pressure when the ty resare warm. Otherwise the pressure m aydrop below the permissible minim um whenthe ty res cool down.After having chec ked the tyre pressures,tig hten the va lv e ca ps using the v alve capkey .Incorrect infla tion pressures will imp airsafety, v ehicle handling, comfort and fueleconomy and will increase tyre wear.If the pressure is too low, this can result inconsidera ble ty re warm -up and internaldamage, leading to trea d separation andeven to tyre blow-out at high sp eeds.Hidden ty re d amage is not eliminated bysubsequently adjusting the inflationpressure.Tyre condition, wheel conditionDrive over edges slowly and at a rightangle if possible. Driv ing ov er sharp edg escan lead to hidd en ty re damage and wheeldam age which is only noticed later on.When p arking, ensure that the tyres are notpressed against the edge of the kerb.C heck ty res regularly for d amage (foreignbodies, punctures, cuts, cracks, bulges insidewa lls). C heck wheels for dam age. Inthe event of damag e or ab normal wear,consult a workshop. We recommend aVauxhall Authorised Repairer.Incorrect ty re pressure may result in tyreblow-out.Damage may lead to tyre blow-out.