106Use of child restrai nt systems 3 on frontpassenger’s seat in vehicles wit h airbagsystems 3 and wit hout seat occupanc yrecogniti on 3A vehicle with front p assenger airbag canbe id entified by the w ord AIRBAG abovethe glove compartment and by the stickeron the passenger side sun v isor – see Fig.12863 J. On some vehic les 1) the warningsticker is located on the sid e of theinstrument panel – see Fig. 11704 A. A v ehicle with side airbags can b eidentified by the word A IRBAG on theoutboard sides of the front seat b ackrests.S eat occupancy recognition 3 – seepag e 99.Vehicles with passenger airbag 3 a nd noside airb ag 3: child seats facing the rearof the vehicle must not be fitted to thepassenger seat, risk of fatal injury. Childseats facing the front (child sa fety seatsfor weight ranges I, II and III, seefollowing pag es) are p ermitted on thepassenger seat, providing that it ispushed back as far as possible and thebackrest has been adjusted so that thela p belt fits snug ly .1) Coun try-sp ecific version .Vehic les with sid e airbag 3: No childrestra int system 3 m ay be fitted on thefront passenger’ s seat; risk of fatalinjury.