228Coupling s ocket loadThe c oupling socket load is the loadexerted by the carav an/trailer on thecoupling b all. It can be va ried by changingthe w eight distribution when loa ding thecarava n/trailer.The ma ximum permissible coup ling socketload (78 kg) for the towing v ehicle isindicated on the towing equipmentidentification plate and in the v ehicledocuments. Alway s aim for the m aximumload, particularly in the ca se of heavycarava ns/trailers. The coupling socket loadshould never fall below 25 kg.When mea suring the coup ling socket load,mak e sure that the drawbar of the loa dedcarava n/trailer is at the sa me height as itwill be when the caravan/trailer is coupledwith the towing vehicle load ed. Particularlyimportant for caravans/trailers w ithtandem axle.Re ar axle load during towingThe permissible axle loads must not beexc eeded.Tyre inflation pressureIncrease the ty re p ressures on the towingvehicle to the va lue specified for full load –see page 290. Also chec k the p ressures ofthe spare wheel and the carava n/trailertyres.