94Vauxhall Full Size airbag s yste mFront airb agThe front airbag system is identified by theword AI RBAG on the steering wheel andabove the glov e c om partment.The front airbag system comprisesz an airbag with inflator in the steeringwheel and a second one in theinstrum ent panel,z the control elec tronics with impactsensor,z the a irb ag system s control indicator v inthe instrument panel,z seat occupancy recognition 3 ,z the control indicator for Va ux hall childrestraint system s y with transponders 3in the instrument panel.The front airb ag system will be trigg eredz depending on the severity of theaccident,z depending on the type of impact,z within the range shown in the illustration,z indep endent of side airbag a nd headairbag sy stem 3.Exception:Passenger sea t with sy stem for seatoccupancy recognition 3. The seatoccupancy recognition sy stem dea ctivatesthe pa ssenger front and sid e airbags if thepassenger seat is unoccupied or aVauxhall child restraint system withtransponders 3 has been installed on thepassenger seat. S eat occupa ncyrecognition – see p age 99. Vauxhall childrestraint sy stem with transponders 3 – seepag es 110, 112.Examples of events triggering the frontairbag sy stem:z Impact against a non-y ielding obstacle:the front airbags are trigg ered at lowvehicle speed.z Impact against a yield ing obstacle:(such as another vehicle): the frontairbags are only triggered at a hig hervehicle speed.