23Rele as ing the hand brake :Raise leve r s lightly,pre ss lock button,lower le ver fully6 Bra kes – see p age 216.Parking the vehicle:Apply handbrake firm ly,engine off,rem ove ke y,lock s te ering wheel,lock doorsAfter locking twice (press button q twice orturn key towa rd rear of v ehicle twice inlock ) the deadlocks and the anti-theftalarm system 3 are activated.6 Further information – see p ages 53, 194,ra dio remote control – see page 54,central locking system – see page 56,Vauxhall a la rm system 3 – see pag e 61,vehicle dec om missioning – see page 272.Advice when parking:z Alw ays apply hand brake firmly. Onslopes app ly the hand brake a s firmly aspossible.z With m anual transmission select firstgear or reverse, for automatictra nsmission 3 or CVTronic 3 selectorlever in P.z Closing wind ow s a nd sun roof 3.z Remov e the ignition key, otherwise awarning signal w ill sound when thedriver’ s door is opened 3 .In vehic les with automatic transmission 3or CVTronic 3 the key can only beremoved in selector lever position P.z Turn steering wheel until y ou feel loc kengage (anti-theft protection).z Switch off ex terior lights, otherwise theheadlam p warning device will soundwhen the driver’s door is opened.z Engine cooling fan m ay run on after theengine has been switched off.6 Further information – seepag es 271, 272.