29Check control 3Check Control monitors several fluid levels,the ty re pressure 3, the radio remotecontrol battery, the Vauxhall alarmsystem 3 and imp ortant external lightinglamps, including the cables and fuses. I ntrailer m ode the trailer lighting is alsomonitored.6 Further inform ation – see page 44.Re mote control for radio andinfotainment system 3Radio 3, radio telephone 3 andinfotainment system 3 functions can b eop erated with the b uttons on the steeringwheel.For further inform ation, see the respectiv eop erating instructions.Twin audio 3Twin audio giv es rear passengers theopportunity to listen to a different audiosource than the one selected by the driver.O nly a d ifferent audio source that is notcurrently selected by the driver can becontrolled using twin audio.Two headp hone connec tions a re availablewith sepa ra te volume control.For further information, see the respectiveradio operating instructions.