119Pull locking pin at bottom of floor sup portand withdraw stand d ow n to floor ofvehic le. Latch locking p in into position.Fastening t he chi ld’s sea t beltPlac e child in safety seat.Guide front belt b uck le at seat consolethrough opening in child safety seat, seedetails in Fig . 14077 J.Depend ing on weight of child, guid e childsafety seat shoulder belts through upper orlow er guides in b ackrest.Route belt such that it does not exit b elowchild’ s shoulder level.K eeping them straight, guide shoulderbelts ov er child’s shoulder at both sides.Push should er belt latch plates togetherand c lic k into belt b uc kle b etween child’slegs.To a djust sea t belt length, push m etal plateat front of child safety seat back rest andtighten or slacken free end of b elt, see Fig.14077 J.Undo c hild’s seat beltTo undo the belt, p ress red button on childsafety seat belt b uck le and mov e shoulderbelts to side.