285Fuel cons umption,CO2 e mis sionsDirective 80/1268/EEC (last c hanged by1999/100/EC) has ap plied for themeasurement of fuel consumption since1996.The direc tiv e is oriented to actual drivingpractices: Urban driv ing is rated at approx.1/ 3 a nd ex tra-urban d riv ing with approx.2/ 3 (urba n and extra-urban consump tion).Cold starts and acceleration phases arealso tak en into consideration.The specification of CO 2 emission is also aconstituent of the directive.The figures given m ust not be taken as aguarantee for the actual fuel consumptionof a p artic ular vehicle.The calculation of fuel consumption asspec ified by directive 1999/100/EC takesacc ount of the v ehicle’ s kerb weight,ascertained in accordance with theseregula tions. O ptional extras ma y result inslightly higher fuel consumption and CO 2emission lev els than those quoted.To conv ert l/100km into mp g, divide 282 bynumber of litres/100km.S aving fuel – see page 196.