57Centra l locki ng switc h for locki ng andunlock ing the doors frominside the vehiclePress button m on one of the front d oors 3:The d oors are locked or unlocked asappropriate.When the mechanical anti-theft lockingsystem is activ e – see page 58, the doorscannot be unlocked with this button.Notez If the driver’s door is not closed p roperly,the central locking system will unlockagain im media tely a fter locking.z 30 second s a fter unlock ing using theradio remote c ontrol the d oorsautomatically loc k again if neither adoor nor the luggag e com partment hasbeen opened.z To lock the doors from within (e.g. toprevent undesired access from outside),press the central locking switch m.z Locked doors unloc k automatically if anaccident of a certain severity occurs (topermit outside assistance) – Prerequisite:Ignition must not b e switched off.Operat ion of window s and sun roof 3On vehicles with electronic ally opera tedwind ow s, the windows ca n b e opened andclosed from outsid e: Hold down the buttonq or button p on the remote control unit,or hold the key in the app ropriate positionin the d oor lock, until all windows a re openor fully closed.The sun roof can be closed from outsid e:Hold button p on the remote c ontroldepressed or hold the key in theapp ropriate position in the door lock untilthe sun roof is fully closed.O verloadIf the central locking system is overloadedas a result of repeated operation at shortinterva ls, the power supply is cut off forapp rox . 30 second s.The sy stem is protected by a fuse in thefuse box – see page 242.Care must be tak en when operating theelectric w indows and the sun roof. Thereis a risk of injury, espec ia lly for children,and a danger that a rticles could b ecometra pped .Vehic le pa ssengers should be informedaccordingly.Keep a c lose watch on the wind ow s andsun roof when closing them. Ensure thatnothing becomes trapped in them asthey m ove.