54Radio rem ote controlThe rad io remote control is integrated inthe k ey.Used to op eratez central locking system,z mechanical anti-theft locking system ,z boot lid , tailgate,z Vauxhall ala rm system 3 .Electric windows can be opened andclosed 3 using the remote control unit. Theelectric sun roof 3 c an be c losed using therem ote control unit.The remote control has a range of approx.3 metres. The range can b e affected b yexternal influences. Point remote control atvehic le when operating.For your conv enience, we recommend thatthe central lock ing sy stem alway s beop erated using the remote control unit.Handle remote control with care, protectfrom moisture and high temperatures andavoid unnecessary operation.Function check by brief illum ination ofha zard warning flashers.Position m em ory on v ehic les w ithelectric ally operated front seats 3When the vehicle is loc ked using the ra dioremote control the current p osition of thedriver’s seat and the ex ternal and internalmirrors is stored. Personal settings savedusing v arious radio remote controls can beretrieved as follows: op en driver’s doorwithin one m inute of unlocking a nd thepositions stored using the radio remotecontrol are automa tic ally set – seepag e 78.C entra l lock ing system,see page 56.Mechanic al anti -theft locki ng system 3 ,see page 58.Boot l id or ta ilgat e,see page 59.Vauxhall ala rm system 3,see page 61.Electric w indows 3 ,see page 148.Electrica lly op era ted sun roof 3,see page 151.