30Active he ad res traints 3In the event of a rear-end impa ct, theactive head restraints automatically tiltforwards. The head is more effectiv elysup ported by the head restraint and thedanger of hyp erex tension in the area of thecerv ical vertebra is reduced.Active head restraints are id entified by thelettering ACTIVE on the head restraintguide bushes.Vauxhall Full Size airbag systemThe Vauxhall Full S ize a irb ag systemcomprises severa l ind ividual systems.Front a irbag systemThe front airbag sy stem will b e triggered inthe event of a serious accident inv olv ing afrontal impa ct and forms sa fety cushionsfor the driver and front passenger. Theforward movement of the driver a nd frontpassenger is check ed a nd the risk ofinjuries to the up per body and headthereby substantially reduced.Si de airba g system 3The side airbag sy stem triggers when aside-on collision occurs and provides asafety barrier for the driver a nd/orpassenger in the respective front doorarea. This reduces the risk of injury to theupper body considera bly in case of a sideimpa ct.Head airbag system 3The head airbag system triggers in case ofa side-on collision and provides a safetybarrier in the hea d area on the respectiveside of the vehic le. This reduces the risk ofinjury to the hea d considerab ly in case of aside-on collision.6 Further information – see page 94. PreviousNext |