191Winter programm e TIn the event of starting-off diffic ulties onslip pery roa ds press button T, which canbe selected either in or out of continuouslyvariable automatic m od e (T lig hts up).The v ehicle will start off with a hig htransm ission ra tio.The w inter program is switched off by :z pressing button T a gain,z switching off the ignition,z switching to Manual mode.To protect against d amage, the starting-off aid automatically cuts out at very hig htransm ission oil temperatures.KickdownPushing the accelerator pedal p ast theresistance point: the tra nsmission selec ts alow er transm ission ratio depending on theengine speed. Maxim um acceleration isavailable.For safety reasons Kic kdown is available inall modes.Engine brakingThe CVTronic transmission automaticallyselects the driving program mes withoptimum engine b ra king effec t.If necessa ry, lower gea rs ca n also b eselected in manual mode to increase theam ount of braking assistance. Gear 1 hasthe greatest b ra king effect.Rocking the carIf it becomes necessary to rock the vehicleto free it from sand, m ud , snow or a hole,mov e the selector lever from D to R in arepeat p attern while simultaneouslyapp ly ing light pressure to the a cceleratorpedal. Do not race the engine and avoidsudden a cceleration.This applies only to the ex ceptionalcircumstances mentioned above.