262Maintenance,Inspection SystemIn ord er to guarantee economical and sa fevehic le operation a nd to maintain thevalue of your vehicle, it is of vitalimportance tha t all maintenance work iscarried out at the p roper intervals asspecified by Vauxhall.The oil c hange and serv ice interv als areflex ible, based on a numb er of differentparam eters and the conditions underwhich the v ehicle is used. Various engine-specific da ta is c ontinuously record ed a ndused to ca lc ulate the remaining distanceup to the next inspection date.The distance remaining to the nextplanned inspection can be seen in thetachom eter dial d isplay when the ignition isoff. Press the setting knob under theod om eter v to see the rema ining dista nce.If the remaining dista nce to the nextservice is less than 1000 miles (1500 km ),v is displayed with a remaining distanceof 600 miles (1000 k m) when the ignition isswitched on. v is displayed for severalsecond s if the rem aining d istance is lessthan 600 miles (1000 km). Hav e the servicework that is due ca rried out within oneweek or 300 m iles (500 k m). Have this workcarried out by a Vauxhall AuthorisedRepairer in ord er to av oid loss of warrantyclaims.The service interval display takes acc ountof off-the-road periods during which thebattery is disconnected.In the case of v ehicles driven infrequentlywith frequent cold sta rts or predomina ntlyin urban traffic and stop-start traffic, anadd itional engine oil and engine oil filterchange is advisable.Further information on maintenance andthe inspection system can be found in theS ervice Booklet, which is in the glovecompa rtm ent.