291Tyre inflation pressures in bar/psi 1)(ctd.)1) 1 ba r corresp ond s to 100 kPa (14.5 p si).Saloon/Hatc h Ty re inflationpressure with upto 3 p ersonsTyre infla tionpressure withfull loadEngine2 ) Ty res Front Rear Front RearZ 18 XE,Z 18 XEL195/65 R 15,205/55 R 16,215/55 R 16,215/50 R 17,225/45 R 17,225/45 R 182.2/32 2.2/32 2.3/33 2. 9/42Z 20 N ET 215/55 R 16,215/50 R 17,225/45 R 17,225/45 R 182.4/35 2.4/35 2.5/36 3. 1/45Z 22 S E 195/65 R 15 (M+ S),205/55 R 162.4/35 2.4/35 2.5/36 3. 1/45215/55 R 16,215/50 R 17,225/45 R 17,225/45 R 182.2/32 2.2/32 2.3/33 2. 9/42Z 32 S E 215/55 R 16 2.7/39 2.7/39 2.8/41 3. 4/49215/50 R 17,225/45 R 17,225/45 R 182.8/41 2.8/41 2.9/42 3. 5/51all T 115/70 R 16(temporary spare) 3)4.2/61 4.2/61 4.2/61 4. 2/612) Sales d esigna tion – s ee p a ges 282, 28 3.3) For notes on the temp orary spa re w heel – see p ag e 237.