174Manual air recirc ulation m odeThe a ir recirculation sy stem prevents theentry of outside air and the air in thepassenger com partment is circulated .Press button 4 , the c ontrol indicator inthe b utton will light up.The exchange of fresh air is reduced in airrecirculation mode. The quality of thepassenger com partment a ir deteriorateswhich may cause the vehicle occupants tofeel drowsy. I n op eration without c oolingthe a ir humid ity increases, so the wind ow smay mist up. C onseq uently , m anual airrecirculation should only be run for shortperiods of time.To deactivate manual air recirc ulation:Press button 4 again, the controlindicator in the b utton will go d ark.Air conditioning with the enginenot runningWhen the vehicle is stop ped and theignition off, the heat or cooling power stillin the sy stem can b e used to condition thepassenger compa rtm ent, for examplewhen stop ped at a level crossing.Press button AUTO with the ignition off.Resid ua l Air C onditioning On will ap pearon the display.The air conditioning will operate for alim ited p eriod of time.If necessary, the auxiliary heating 3 alsoautom atic ally switches on. O bserve noteson p age 176.To cancel a ir conditioning, press the AUTObutton.Heated front seats 3Two k nurled wheels b elow centre air v ents:Turn relevant wheel to set required heatinglevel.C ontrol indicator above adjustmentwheels.To switch off, set wheel to 0.Heating only with ignition switched on.