265To check the level, rem ov e the oil gauge(dipstic k), w ipe it clean and reinsert it as faras it will go. Top up if the oil level hasdropped to just above the "ad d oil" ma rkMIN .The oil level must not go above the uppermark MAX on the dipstick. Excess oil m ustbe drained or extracted b y suction. If the oillev el does go above the mark MAX there isa risk of d amage to the engine or cataly ticconverter.The a mount filled must be between theMIN and MAX m arks – see page 294.When top ping up, use the sam e oil a s a tthe la st oil change, and pa y strict attentionto the instructions on pa ge 278.Lubricant chart – see page 279.Capacities – see page 294.The oil consumption will not stabilise untilthe vehicle has been driven severalthousand miles. Only then can the ac tualra te of consum ption b e estab lished .O il chang e, oi l filter cha ng eC ha nge the oil at the displayed serv iceinterva ls.We recommend that you use g enuineVauxhall oil filters.Used oil filters and empty oil cans do notbelong in the domestic garb age. Werecommend having oil changes and oilfilter changes carried out by a Va ux hallAuthorised Repairer. The VauxhallAuthorised Repairer k nows the lawsconc erning the disposa l of used oil andtherefore protects the env ironment andyour health.