13Read this information firstNames and Functions of ControlsKEYWhen pressedWhen pressed and heldover 1 secondThe key is pressedafter F pressedWhen entering afrequency or recallinga memory CHWhen inputting a tag% Switches betweenradio wave types.— Starts WiRES-X —D Turns on/off the GMfunction.— — —H Determines thefunction selectionMoves the cursor tothe right.— —1 Number “1” Number “1” — Enablestransmission powerlevel switching.2Number “2” Number “2”, orUpper or Lower casecharacters “A”, “B”,“C”, “a”, “b”, or “c”— Enables scanoperation.3Number “3” Number “3”, orUpper or Lower casecharacters “D”, “E”,or “F”, “d”, “e”, or “f”— Recalls a presetreceiver memorychannel4Number “4” Number “4”, orUpper or Lower casecharacters “G”, “H”,or “I” , “g”, “h”, or “i”— Enables homechannel selection.5Number “5” Number “5”, orUpper or Lower casecharacters “J”, “K”, or“L”, “j”, “k”, or “l”— Enables reversalfunction.6Number “6” Number “6” , orUpper or Lower casecharacters “M”, “N”,or “O”, “m”, “n”, or “o”— Enables AF DUALfunction.7Number “7” Number “7”, orUpper or Lower casecharacters “P”, “Q”,“R”, or “S”, “p”, “q”, or“r”, or “s”— Displays QSO LOGdata.8Number “8” Number “8”, orUpper or Lower casecharacters “T”, “U”,or “V”, “t”, “u”, or “v”— —9Number “9” Number “9” , orUpper or Lower casecharacters “W”, “X”,or “Y”, “Z”, “w”, “x”,“y”, or “z”— Transmits APRSbeacon.0 Number “0” Number “0” — Displays APRSstations/APRSMessage LIST.B Increases thefrequency band.— Enables band scopefunction.Decreases thefrequency band.VSwitches betweenthe VFO mode andMemory Channelmode.— — Enables dual watchfunction.F — Erases a characterand the cursormoves to the left.Enters the MemoryChannel Registrationmode.—