98Functions Used As NeededSet ModeSet mode option No./setting Item Description of function Setting Item(Bold letters: Default)Referencepage6 GM6-1 LANGUAGE Select the language to use forwriting a message, etc.JAPANESEENGLISH–6-2 DELETE GROUP Delete a registered group. – –6-3 DELETE MEMBER Delete a registered member. – –6-4 RADIO ID Transceiver specific number(ID)appears. (This cannot be edited)– –* For more details of this function, refer to the GM Function Instruction Manual.7 WIRES-X7-1 LANGUAGE Select the language to use forwriting a message, etc.JAPANESEENGLISH–7-2 RPT/WIRES FREQ Set a frequency to be used forRepeater/WIRES.MANUAL / PRESET –7-3 SERCH SETUP Set the WIRES ROOM selectionmethod.HISTORY / ACTIVITY –7-4 EDT CATEGORYTAGEdit a category tag. C1 to C5 –7-5 REMOVE ROOM/NODEDelete a registered CategoryROOM.C1 to C5 –* For more details of this function, refer to the WIRES-X Function Instruction Manual.8 CONFIG8-1 APO Set the APO operating time. OFF / 0.5 HOUR /1 HOUR to 12 HOURS1258-2 BCLO Turn on/off the busy channellockout function.OFF / ON 1268-3 BEEP Set the beep output functionand the function of emitting abeep when a band edge/CH1 isencountered.SELECT:KEY&SCAN / KEY / OFFEDGE: OFF / ON1268-4 BUSY LED Turn on/off the BUSY LED. A BAND: ON / OFFB BAND: ON / OFFRADIO: ON / OFF1278-5 CLOCK TYPE Set the clock shift function. A / B 1288-6 GPS LOG Set the GPS access time. OFF / 1 SEC / 2 SEC / 5 SEC /10 SEC / 30 SEC / 60 SEC1288-7 HOME VFO ENABLE/DISABLE of VFOtransmission in Home Channel.ENABLE / DISABLE 1298-8 LED LIGHT Turn on/off the white LEDflashlight.– 1298-9 LOCK Select a lock mode. KEY&DIAL / PTT / KEY&PTT /DIAL&PTT / ALL / KEY / DIAL1308-10 MONI/T-CALL Select a monitor switch orT-CALL switch.MONI / T-CALL *1 1308-11 TIMER Set the power ON/OFF timer. ON: 00:00 to 23:59 ON / OFFOFF: 00:00 to 23:59 ON / OFF1318-12 PASSWORD Turn on/off the passwordfunction.ON / OFF [ – – – – ] 131*1: Depends on the transceiver version.