141Setting CheckersChapter 66.12.2 Refering to Position Adjustment Amount Using CheckersSince multiple Position Adjustment checkers can be set, the amount of the position adjustment checker to whicheach checker refers differs depending on the Position Adjustment number. If you choose “01”, the checker refersto the adjustment amount of Position Adjustment checker No. 1In addition, not only checkers for inspection but also position adjustment checkers can refer to the adjustmentamount of other Position Adjustment or Rotation Adjustment checkers. Follow the same steps used for othercheckers.Note:When any checker refers to the adjustment amount of a Position Adjustment checker, the number ofrotation-adjustment-referenced checkers must be lower than the number of the rotation-adjustment-referencedchecker. This is because each checker is executed in ascending order and the position adjustment checker oflager number than the checker holds only the adjustment amount data for the last inspection.The PV310 features a function that multiple checkers referencing to the same Position Adjustment checkercan be moved at a time. Refer to page 240 for further information.