181Chapter 7 Calculation, Analysis, and Output of Inspection Results7.2.9 Restrictions on Numeric Calculation FunctionThe values that can be handled during calculationThe PV310 can handle the values from -2147483648 to -2147483647 (=- (2 31) - (231 - 1) during calculation. But,the device can handle the values from 0 to 461269364 when carrying out square ($) calculation.If the values goes beyond the values above during calculation or the calculation results became the values above,then ERR (ERROR) signal is output and the calculation result becomes “0”. But, if the calculation results areoutput to the external device via Serial or Ethernet, “0” is output.Calculation OrderCalculations are performed in priority order as follows:Higher -------------> Lower(, ) @, $, #, & *, /, T, D +, -Notice on DivisionThe decimal numbers are omitted after calculation. Omission of the numbers is performed in priority order of fourarithmetic operations. Incorporate a division into the end of the formula as much as possible.Example:Calculation 1: A = B / 2 *100Calculation 2: A = B * 100/2If B = 3, A will differ between the calculations above.Calculation 1 A = 3 (= B) / 2 * 100 = 1 (the decimal number of 1.5 is omitted.) * 100 A = 100Calculation 2 A = 3 (= B) * 100 / 2 A = 150Error signal is output if the value is divided by 0.If denominator is "0", the calculation result "0" is displayed on the screen and the error signal is output from theparallel port. If the calculation result was referred to the Data Monitor table, "ER" will be displayed on the screen.If the calculation result is output to the external device, "0" will be output.Incorporating the calculation results into another formulaNumeric calculation is performed in the ascending order. Therefore, the number of the formula which you want toincorporate must be lower than the number of the formula to which you want to incorporate.Example:Correct: CA01=GW01+GW02CA02=CA01*100Wrong: CA01=CA02 + 100CA02=GW01+GW02In the wrong case above, the data substituted for CA02 in the formula CA01 are the calculation result ofthe previous inspection.