70Setting CheckersChapter 66.1 What Is a Checker?6.1.1 Types and Overview of CheckersChecker is a general term of the areas and the conditions for inspecting a captured image. The followingcheckers are available in the PV310.Checker Main application Description Refer.PageBinaryWindowMeasurement of sizePresence/absenceinspectionCounts the number of white or black pixels (area value) in aspecified area and judges as OK or NG based on the countednumber of white or black pixels.92GrayWindowMeasurement ofbrightnessOrientation recognitionCalculates the gray average values of all pixels in a specifiedarea and judges as OK or NG based on the counted number ofblack or white pixels.94Binary Edge Position detectionLength measurement (athigh speed)Judges as OK or NG by detecting whether or not there are theedges between white pixels and black pixels in a binary image 96Gray Edge Position detectionMeasurement of length(at high inspectionaccuracy)Detects a changing point (edge) in certain brightness inaccordance with the gray value of each pixel and judges as OKor NG in accordance with the number of detected changingpoints, the coordinates and the changing amount (differentialvalues). This function is effective if variation in image brightnessis small and the contrast of an edge is low.99FeatureExtractionPosition detectionAngle detectionCountingDetects a black or white pixel cluster larger than a certain size ina binary image and judges as OK or NG based on the number ofthe detected clusters. Outputs the feature amount such as thecoordinates of a center of gravity or principal axis angle(+/-90-degree angle).106SmartMatchingPosition detectionAngle detectionType recognitionDetects an image similar to a base image (saved as a template)based on the data (gray value) of the image brightness. Supportsfor low-contrast images or 360-degree rotated images. Extractsthe difference between the base image and the detected image(finds out the difference in gray by covering the base image withthe detected image). With the use of this function, you can set aMask area (, where inspection is not performed) within atemplate.113ContourMatchingPosition detectionAngle detectionType recognitionDetects an image similar to the base image save as a templateaccording to contour information on the object. Supports for360-degree rotated object. Up to four Contour Matchingcheckers including rotation (contour) adjustment checkers canbe set per product type. This checker is available only in Framemode.125FlawDetectionFlaw detectionDetection of a flaw,missing edge, burr onthe surfaceCalculates gray average value within the segmented area (cell)in a line, arc and circle or rectangular area. If the PV310 detectsan area more than a certain level of difference in average gray,the device judges it as a flaw.129PositionAdjustment • Measurement ofmoving amount (X,Y)• Movement of achecker shape(toward the currentposition of an object)After each checker detected the position of the object, calculatesthe misalignment between the object and the base position. Thegrouped checkers are executed in the position where the objectwas moved from the base position. But, the number ofrotation-adjustment-referred checkers must be lower than thenumber of the rotation-adjustment-referring checker. The objectcan be detected by using the following checkers.140