71Setting CheckersChapter 6Checker Main application Description Refer.PageBinary Edge 142Gray Edge 145Feature Extraction 148PositionAdjustmentMatching 150• Measurement of amoving amount (X, Y)• Measurement ofrotation angle• Movement of achecker shape to thecurrent position of anobject• Rotation of anchecker shapeaccording to therotation angle of theobjectRotation Adjustment:With the use of each checker function, detects the angle of theobject using the position (coordinates) of the object andcalculates the angle that the object was rotated from the baseangle. Grouped checkers are executed in the position where theobject was rotated from the base angle. But, to let each checkerrefer to the adjusted angle, the number ofrotation-adjustment-referred checkers must be lower than thenumber of the rotation-adjustment-referring checker. The objectcan be detected following the procedures shown below.152Binary Edge-Horizontal Detects an angle on the basis of the coordinates of the twoedges that can be detected by scanning in horizontal direction. 154Binary Edge-Vertical Detects the angle on the basis of the coordinates of the twoedges that can be detected by scanning in vertical direction. 156Gray Edge-Horizontal Detects the angle on the basis of the coordinates of the twoedges that can be detected by scanning in horizontal direction. 158Gray Edge-Vertical Detects the angle on the basis of the coordinates of two edgesthat can be detected by scanning in vertical direction 160Feature Extraction Makes a rotation adjustment using the angle of the principal axisdetected by Feature Extraction. (+/- 90 degree angle) 162Matching (detectionangle)Makes a rotation adjustment with the use of the Smart Matchingchecker, which supports for 360-degree rotated object 160Matching (two detectionpoints)Makes a rotation adjustment using the angle created by thestraight line connected to the two detection points that weredetected by executing two Smart Matching checkers and the Xaxis162RotationAdjustmentRotationAdjustmentContour Matching Makes a rotation adjustment using Contour Matching checkersupportable for 360 degree angle. Up to four Contour Matchingcheckers can be set per product type (including ContourMatching checker). This function is available only if the camera isin Frame mode.165