65Chapter 5 Procedure for Setting Inspection Conditions5.7 Storing (Revised) Setting Data in the PV310This function can store the setting (revised) data in the PV310 or a Compact Flash memory card.Be sure to save the data after changing the settings. If the device is turned off before saving the data, the reviseddata are erased and returned to the setting values previously saved. The message “Update!” displayed in thestatus area (as the figure shown below) indicates that the setting data have been changed. In this case, save thesetting data before turning off the device.Where to Save the Setting DataThe setting data are stored in the following destination:• PV310• A Compact Flash memory card (a FAT16-formatted (FAT) Compact Flash memory card with up to 512 MBcapacity can be used.)Storing the setting data in the PV3101. Select "SAVE" from the menu bar.2. Make sure that "Save" is selected and press the ENTER key.Save the setting data following the displayed message.3. Select "Yes".The data are saved. Not to save, select ”No”.Storing the setting data on a Compact Flash memory cardSee page 298 for more information.Compact Flash is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation in the United States.