158Setting CheckersChapter 66.20 Rotation Adjustment (Feature Extraction)6.20.1 Setting ProcedureThe way of detecting edges by Areas 1 and 2 and the setting procedure for edges are the same as those used for"Feature Extraction" (see page 106). In this section, the functional differences between Rotation Adjustment(Feature Extraction) and Feature Extraction and instructions for test execution are described below.Feature Data That Cannot Be DetectedWith the Position Adjustment (Feature Extraction) function, you cannot detect the following feature data exceptfor the center of gravity.• Perimeter• Project Width• Principal axis angle• Area (but, the Max. /Min. Area Limit functions are available. It is possible to perform sorting according tothe max. /min. area limits.)When There Are Multiple Objects Fulfilling the ConditionsBe sure to sort the objects. After doing this, the first sorted object is detected. Sorting can be performed in thedescending/ascending order of area, x coordinate and y coordinate. If you do not sort the objects, the PV310cannot detect the object which comes first, resulting in an unstable inspection. Refer to page 117 for the sortingfunction.Running a TestBefore saving a base position, you can perform a test to check whether or not objects were detected. When a liveimage is currently displayed, import a new image first and begin the test. When a memory image is displayed, runa test using the current memory image without capturing any images.1. Select "POS. ADJ. (FEATURE)".2. Press the A key while the tab or item under the tab is highlighted is highlighted.If no object was detected, the following error code will appear under the judgment results in the messagearea.E0044Check to make sure that the error code above does not appear or the objects were detected.In the following cases, Boundary is automatically set to "ON". You cannot change the setting.• Inspection areas are circle or polygon in shape.• Mask areas have been set.• Labeling has been set to "No".You can refer correction angle to a Numeric Calculation formula and output it to the external device. But, youcannot refer the principal axis angle that was detected during inspection to a Numeric Calculation formula oroutput to the external device.