76Setting CheckersChapter 66.2.4 Preprocessing SettingsIn PV310, preprocessing function refers to the function that processes an image captured by a camera inadvance in order to easily execute the desired inspection. 13 types of preprocessing are available. You canchoose up to five processing types (1st – 5th) from all filters and combine them. In addition, you can save up tofive preprocessing groups (A – E) for each product type and camera image and select the desired preprocessinggroup from them.Image Preprocessing from Image Capture to Checker ScanningPreprocessing group A1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5THA checker is executed forinspecting an image that hasbeen processed followingpreprocessing group A.Preprocessing group B1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5THA checker is executed forinspecting an image that hasbeen processed followingpreprocessing group B.: :Preprocessing group EImagecapture1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5THA checker is executed forinspecting an image that hasbeen processed followingpreprocessing group E.Types of PreprocessThirteen types of preprocessing are available. With the use of preprocessing function, only the areasunnecessary for inspection are removed, whereas necessary parts are emphasized. The PV310 can executeinspection stably by doing so.OverviewPreprocessing(Setting value) Before preprocessing After preprocessingDilation Dark (or black) noises are removed. Black areas in the image of the object contract. Whiteareas in the image of the object expand.3x3 / 5x5Erosion Light (or White) noises are removed. White areas in the image of the object contract. Blackareas in the image of the object expand.3x3 / 5x5Eros. ->Dilat. After removing light (or white) noises, return the contracted area to its original size.3x3 / 5x5