183Chapter 7 Calculation, Analysis, and Output of Inspection Results7.3 Judgment (JD01 to JD96)7.3.1 Main FunctionsJudging the Inspection ResultThe calculation results and checkers are judged totally. Up to 96 Judgment formulas can be set. If a formulareturns true, the inspection result will be judged as "OK". If the formula returns false, it will be judged as "NG".Outputting to the External DeviceThe judgment results can be output to the external device through external output terminals D1 - D8, a serial port,an Ethernet port and a Compact Flash memory card. If the result is judged as OK, NG and Error, the PV310outputs “1”, “0” and “e”, respectively.Total JudgmentThe judgment results that are saved as "Total judgment" can be displayed in color during inspection. Only one ofthe Judgment formulas can be saved as "Total Judgment". If execution mode (see Section 8.6) is set to“Automation Switch” mode, one judgment result for each of the block 2 and block 3 is saved as “Total Judgment”(two judgment results are saved as “Total Judgment” in total). If execution mode is set to “User-Defined” mode,judgment results for all blocks are saved as “Total Judgment” (three judgment results are saved as “TotalJudgment” in total). If you switch the execution modes, the settings for Total Judgment function are all cleared.Conditional Formula for Saving Memory ImageConditional formula for saving images. If the results of the Judgment formulas saved as a conditional formula arejudged as "NG", the memory images will be saved in the PV310.7.3.2 Reference Data and OperatorsA List of Data Can Be Referred to JudgmentAll of the data listed below can be incorporate into a Judgment formula. After creating a Judgment formula, theformula consisting of the symbols and numbers from 0 to 9 is displayed.Reference data Symbol No. Condition for OK judgmentPosition/RotationAdjustmentPA 01 – 99 Ability to detect an object.Binary Window BW 01 – 99 Max. / Min. Area does not exceed the upper/lowerlimitations of OK Judge.Gray Window GW 01 – 99 Gray Average does not exceed the upper/lowerlimitations of OK Judge.Binary Edge BE 01 – 99 Ability to detect edgesGray Edge GE 01 – 99 The number of edges does not exceed the upper/lowerlimitations of OK Judge. (Even if no edge wasdetected when the OK Judg. Max. /Min. values include"0", the object will be judged as "OK".)Feature Extraction FE 01 – 99 Detect. count does not exceed the upper/lowerlimitations of Judge. (Even if detection count is "0"when the Judge. Max. /Min. includes "0", the object willbe judged as "OK".)Smart Matching SM 01 – 99 Detect. count at the last phase is equal to the upperlimitation of detect. count that was set at the last phaseof the sequence.Contour Matching CM 01 – 99 Ability to detect an object higher than the minimumdegree of similarityCheckerFlaw Detection FW 01 – 99 The number of detected flaws is within the range of OKJudg. Max./Min. valuesJudgment Judgment JD 01 – 96 Judgment formula returns true.