9W006 and 9W007 13U SING THIS G UIDEGuide ConventionsThis guide is one integral part of the entire documentation set. Please refer to the documentsdescribed below for additional information.The Quick Start provides abbreviated installation and configuration instructions for experiencedusers. Specific instructions for setting up various types of remote devices are also included.The SFVRA Configuration Manager User’s Guide provides detailed information for installing,configuring, and using the SFVRA Configuration Manager (SFVRA-CFG). SFVRA-CFG is aseparate software product that is provides a GUI interface for configuring the SmartSwitch RemoteAccess Module. Through the SFVRA-CFG, the network administrator can deploy and maintain anentire network through a centrally located device. The network administrator can generate eachsystem’s configuration files separately, with the system’s view of the network, then transfer theconfiguration files electronically to the system. This guide is included on the SmartSwitch RemoteAccess Module CD.The SFVRA Connection Manager User’s Guide provides detailed information for installing,configuring, and using the SFVRA Connection Manager (SFVRA-CONN). SFVRA-CONN is aseparate software product that offers state of the art policy-based management system for largecentral site dial-in networks. This software provides a rich set of network configuration,management, and reporting capabilities. This guide is included on the SmartSwitch Remote AccessModule CD.The Release Notes provide release highlights and important information related to this release. TheRelease Notes may be displayed during software installation (or upgrade). They may also bedisplayed after the system is operating by issuing thelist rel_note.txt console command.GUIDE C ONVENTIONSThe following conventions are used throughout the documentation:System CommandsAll system commands (Administration and Manage Mode commands) are italicized, and in adifferent font than the general text. For example, if you are instructed to enter the command to testfor proper LAN connections, the command would appear as follows:lan statsM ONITOR D ISPLAYSAny messages or text that is displayed on your monitor will be shown in the style below:LAN Port #> is now in the LISTENING stateWAN Port #> is now in the FORWARDING stateLAN Port #> is now in the LEARNING stateLAN Port #> is now in the FORWARDING stateD OCUMENTATION TITLESAll references to SmartSwitch Remote Access Module documentation titles will use the same fontas normal text, but will be italicized. For example, all references to the User’s Guide will appear as:User’s Guide PreviousNext |