USER’S GUIDE188 SmartSwitch Remote Access ModuleC ARBON C OPYThe Carbon Copy feature gives you complete remote management. Any command that you canissue on a local console session can be issued with Carbon Copy. Files can also be transferredbetween the Manager PC and the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module.The disadvantage of using Carbon Copy is that a separate telephone line must be connected to eachSmartSwitch Remote Access Module being managed. Another disadvantage is that the ManagerPC must be an AT compatible PC.I NSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATIONWhen using the Modem Remote Administration Console, the connection to the SmartSwitchRemote Access Module is done using standard modems. Modems and cables are NOT providedwith the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module.When an SmartSwitch Remote Access Module is delivered, Carbon Copy is configured for a DirectRemote Administration Console. To set your system up for a Modem Remote AdministrationConsole, you must reconfigure Carbon Copy’s baud rate and modem type parameters. Instructionsfor changing these parameters are listed below.CHANGING CARBON COPY CONFIGURATION P ARAMETERSThe Carbon Copy CCINSTAL program is available on the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module andon the Manager diskette. (The diskette is available as an option when you order your SmartSwitchWANModemModemLANPhone CompanyMMAC PLUSC a b l e t r o nSystemsMMAC-Plus withSmartSWITCHRemote Access Module