USER’S GUIDE252 SmartSwitch Remote Access ModuletrigRipUpdateResponsesRcvdNumber of triggered RIP update responses received.trigRipUpdateAcksSentNumber of triggered RIP update acknowledgments sent.trigRipUpdateAcksRcvdNumber of triggered RIP update acknowledgments received.trigRipInputErrorsNumber of Triggered RIP input message errors.IPX ROUTE STATISTICSYou can access IPX Route statistics by using theipx route stats console command.Static RoutesNumber of static routes configured on this router.Rip RoutesNumber of routes learned through RIP from other routers.Internal RoutesNumber of internal routes on this router. There is one for the internal network number, and two foreach IPX network interface.Total RoutesTotal number of routes. Should be equal to the sum of Static, RIP and Internal Routes.Maximum RoutesMaximum number of routes this router is configured to handle.Available RoutesNumber of routes currently available on this router.High Water MarkPeak number of routes this router has used.IPX SAP S TATISTICSYou can access IPX SAP statistics by using theipx sap stats console command.sapInstanceWith the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module, the value of this statistic is always 1. With otherproducts, this statistic is useful. Currently, it is not useful for the SmartSwitch Remote AccessModule.sapIncorrectPacketsThe number of times incorrect SAP packets were received.