USER’S GUIDE82 SmartSwitch Remote Access ModuleLAN A TTACHMENTProblem:The LAN TEST command displays the following message:LAN port 1 Transmit was not successfulAction:1. Check to see if the Ethernet LAN is properly connected to the SmartSwitch Remote AccessModule.2. Check to see if the Ethernet LAN is properly terminated.(Test: Can any other machine transmit data successfully onto this LAN?)3. If the problem is still not resolved, contact Customer Support.IP R OUTING OVER I NTERFACE C ONNECTIONSThis section provides diagnostic information for IP routing over various interface connections.IP ROUTING OVER THE LAN I NTERFACE C ONNECTIONProblem:The system does not display the correct message after the ping command. Instead, the systemdisplays the following message:No response from Action:1. Verify that the routing entry for the destination network exists by entering the followingadministrative console command:iproute If the command returns “No route is available for “, the routing entrydoes not exist. To correct, add the routing entry using SFVRA-CFG. To do this:a. If it is not already running, start up SFVRA-CFG.b. From the toolbar, select Functions, then IP Network, then Systems, or click on the icon.c. Select the system’s site from displayed list (you should have already configured IP subnetand network interface information for this site).d. Click on the Static Routes tab.e. Click on Add, then follow the onscreen instructions to add a static route.f. Download the new configuration files to the site.For more detailed instructions, refer to the following sections in the SFVRA ConfigurationManager User’s Guide: