USER’S GUIDE242 SmartSwitch Remote Access ModuleatpRetryCntExceedsThe number of times the retry count was exceeded, and an error was returned to the client of ATP.APPLE TALK PORT STATISTICSYou can display the AppleTalk port statistics by issuing theatalk port stats consolecommand.portInPacketsThe number of AppleTalk packets received on this port by this system.portOutPacketsThe number of AppleTalk packets sent out on this port by this system.zipInGetNetInfosThe number of ZIP GetNetInfo packets received on this port by this system.zipOutGetNetInfosThe number of ZIP GetNetInfo packets sent out this port by this system.zipInGetNetInfoRepliesThe number of ZIP GetNetInfo Reply packets received on this port by this system.zipOutGetNetInfoRepliesThe number of ZIP GetNetInfo Reply packets sent out this port by this system.zipZoneInInvalidsThe number of times this system has received a ZIP GetNetInfo Reply with the zone invalid bit setbecause the corresponding GetNetInfo Request had an invalid zone name.zipZoneOutInvalidsThe number of times this system has sent a ZIP GetNetInfo Reply with the zone invalid bit set inresponse to a GetNetInfo Request with an invalid zone name.zipAddressInvalidsThe number of times this system had to broadcast a ZIP GetNetInfo Reply because the GetNetInfoRequest had an invalid address.zipInErrorsThe number of ZIP packets received by this system that were rejected for any error.