9W006 and 9W007 201S YSTEM COMMANDSViewing Throughput InformationThe actual bandwidth utilization, along with the current underload setting, is displayed for eachthroughput sample. After 32 samples are displayed, the newest sample is displayed at position 32and all other samples are shifted left one position.Note: If data compression is being used, an extra line will be displayed on the ConnectionMonitor screen that will provide the compression and decompression ratios, and theestimated throughput. The estimated throughput is calculated as follows:est. thruput (in Kbits/second) = [(uncmp bits + undmp bits)/sample period)]/1000Where uncmp bits = the number of uncompressed bitsundmp bits = the number of undecompressed bitssample period = configured length of the sample periodTHROUGHPUT M ONITOR CONTENTS# 1. Indicates the site name for the connected site that was selected on the Connection Monitorscreen.# 2. Indicates the current bandwidth in place to the connected site. This number will beupdated as calls are added or released.100300 8 16 24 32Throughput MonitorWide Area Network Bandwidth Utilization to site sitename @ current bandwidth Kbps#1 #2= UNDERLOAD BANDWIDTH = ACTUAL BANDWIDTH UTILIZATIONSample Rate (seconds): 03Overload: Trigger 01 Window 02 Utilization (%) 10Underload: Trigger 05 Window 10Idle: Trigger 05 Window 05 Utilization (%) 10Throughput Parameters< Press F to Freeze data capture, Esc to return to Connection Monitor >% of currentbandwidthSamples