9W006 and 9W007 243SYSTEM S TATISTICSBridge StatisticsB RIDGE STATISTICSThe system collects bridge statistics for each LAN port and for WAN connections. These bridgestatistics include information on the number of frames received, forwarded, discarded ortransmitted. If the system is configured for two LAN ports, there is a line of counters for each LANport. However, the WAN counters are totaled for all WAN ports.Display bridge statistics by issuing thebr stats command at the administration console:ReceivedNumber of frames received from a LAN port or WAN connection.ForwardedNumber of frames received from LAN port 1 or LAN port 2 or all WAN ports and processed fortransmission to the proper networks. Discarded frames are not forwarded for transmission.DiscardedNumber frames received and then discarded (i.e., not forwarded to another LAN port or WANconnection).TransmitNumber of frames sent out through LAN port 1 or LAN port 2 or all WAN ports to connectednetworks.Note: Forward refers to the passing of a received frame from one port to another within theSmartSwitch Remote Access Module. A frame can be received on any port (LAN or WAN)and forwarded to any other port, unless it is discarded. A forwarded frame is one which isnot deliberately discarded (for example, via filters) by the SmartSwitch Remote AccessModule. Once the frame gets to the new port, it is usually transmitted. However, it may notbe transmitted, such as when a packet is forwarded to a WAN port, but no connection isup on that port.C OMPRESSION S TATISTICSThe system collects the following compression statistics for each active compression connection.These statistics can be displayed by issuing thecmp stats or thecmp stats command at the administration console. Thecmp stats command will display the compressionstatistics for all active connections. Thecmp stats name> command will display thecompression statistics for the specified device. Note that the device name is case sensitive.Note: When using PPP, it is possible that CCP can open with no agreed upon compressionalgorithm in one or both directions. In such cases, the connection is considered to berunning with compression, and will consequently be picked up by the CMP command.However, the ratios and counters for the direction(s) without an actual compressionalgorithm negotiated will not indicate any effective compression or decompression.