9W006 and 9W007 67S YSTEM VERIFICATIONVerifying IPX Routing is OperationalV ERIFYING IPX R OUTING IS O PERATIONALTo verify that IPX routing feature is properly operational, a local NetWare client, a local NetWareserver and a remote NetWare server must be operational.The following graphic illustrates an example network we will use to describe how to verify that IPXrouting is operational. It uses IPX network addresses specific to the example. Substitute the IPXnetwork numbers of your network when you perform the verification steps. The example also usesNetWare commands available for the Windows 95 workstation. Substitute the equivalentcommands on your NetWare client.VERIFYING IPX R OUTING OVER A LAN CONNECTIONTo verify the operation of IPX Routing over a LAN connection:1. Determine if SITE1 can access the local NetWare Server “local.” On SITE1’s administrationconsole type:ipx diag cc:1 Note: Node address 1 is used by the NetWare servers as part of their internal address.2. If the system displays a response to theipx diag command similar to:received 3 components from cc:1then IPX routing over that LAN port is operational.If this message IS NOT displayed, then IPX routing over the LAN connection is not operational.Refer to IPX Routing over the LAN Connection in the Problem Diagnosis chapter.ISDN CSX1200Network AA Network BBNetWareClient ANetWareServer"local"NetWareServer"remote"InternalNetwork CCInternalNetwork DDPOWER SERVICE TX RX 10BASE - TLAN B-CHANNELS E1 ONLYB2 B4 B6 B8 B26 B28B22 B24B18 B20B14 B16B10 B12 B30 L1B1 B3 B5 B7 B25 B27B21 B23B17 B19B13 B15B9 B11 B29 B31E1D T1DMMAC PLUSC a b l e t r o nSystems MMAC-Plus withSmartSWITCHRemote Access Module"SITE1""SITE2"