USER’S GUIDE234 SmartSwitch Remote Access ModuleUDP C OMMANDSUDP (User Datagram Protocol) provides a datagram mode of communication for delivery ofpackets to a remote or on-node device. When the system’s IP operating mode is enabled, thefollowing UDP commands are available:udp connsDisplays the current UDP connection status.udp statsDisplays the current system UDP statistics. Refer to UDP Statistics, for a list of availablestatistics and their definitions.WAN C OMMANDSThe following commands are used to display current system WAN diagnostic information:wan l1pThis group of commands provide primary rate interface layer 1 information.wan l1p is theprefix for all commands in this group. The syntax and definition for each wan l1p commandfollows. (Note that for each command, you must include the slot number of the PRI adapter.)wan l1p alarm display #>Displays any alarms currently being received by the primary rate layer 1. Because manyincoming alarms are qualified for several seconds before being declared, this display mayindicate an alarm when layer 1 has not been declared down. The following table provides thepossible alarms and their meanings.wan l1p error [display or clear] #>Whendisplay is used, this command displays the PRI layer 1 error counters. Refer to Layer 1PRI Error Statistics for a list of available statistics and their definitions.wan l1p loopback status #>Displays the current status of all loopbacks. (Refer to the following two “loop” commands.wan l1p lcl_loop [disable or enable] #>Disables or enables a local loopback. When enabled, this loopback feeds the PRI adapters’stransmit signal back to the PRI adapters’s receive signal. It is useful in checking for problemsin the PRI adapter itself.Alarm Type Alarm MeaningLoss of Signal (Red) An all zero signal (or complete lack of signal).Loss of Frame (Red) A signal which does not match the configuredframing mode (for example, ESF).AIS (Blue) An unframed all one signal.RAI (Yellow) A Remote Alarm Indication signal.