9W006 and 9W007 17T HE SMART SWITCH R EMOTE ACCESS M ODULE9W006 and 9W007 FunctionalityThe 9W006-220 (the 9W006 with two PRI interfaces and two digital modem interfaces) allowschannelized T1 service with robbed-bit signaling for users wanting to support analog modem callswithout concurrent ISDN support.DIGITAL MODEMThe module’s digital modem capability allows analog modems to be intermixed with ISDN asrequired to best fit specific user situations.Up to sixty 56Kbps digital modem connections are supported. The digital modem is connectedinternally to the telco interface (ISDN PRI or channelized T1) eliminating the need for separateanalog telco connections.When the modules identify that a call is coming from an analog modem, the associated ISDN B-channel or channelized T1 SD0 data stream is then assigned to one of the digital modems. All of theoperations of a 56Kbps modem are performed just as if the call had gone to an analog modemthrough an analog phone line (although at the higher speeds available with digital modemtechnology).Similarly, data coming into the modules (typically from the LAN) is converted to Async-PPP, sentto the digital modem for modulation, and sent out the ISDN B-channel or T1 DS0 on the telco line.The K56flex digital modem protocol provides automatic rate detection/negotiation such that lowerbaud rates are fully supported. The digital modem also supports MNP4 and V.42 error controlprotocols, and MNP5 and V.42bis data compression protocols.M ANAGEMENTThe SmartSwitch Remote Access Module includes SFVRA-CFG, a management software withflexible bandwidth management designed to keep performance up and cost down. Networkmanagers can configure a variety of parameters to control connections being established andterminated including restrictions by packet type, time of day, and maximum calls per day.The management capabilities included allow great flexibility. Each B channel can be used toconnect to one or more single remote locations, or through inverse multiplexing higher bandwidthcan be provided to users in multiples of 64Kbps.Users can also configure the modules to sense data traffic needs and automatically initiate orterminate calls. This provides bandwidth-on-demand resulting in high performance with minimalassociated cost. The management of these calls is extremely important for minimizing ISDN phonecharges.Remote management capabilities are also supported for centralized administration ofdecentralized networks including the use of standards such as SNMP and Telnet.The 9W006 and 9W007 modules provide numerous network management features. Internally, CallDetail Recording will log data to a local file. Using Syslog users can capture essential data regardingremote users connection time. Also supported is Telnet with password, host and terminal server aswell as tftp for the ability to upload and download log files. CDR files provide tracking and