SOFTWARE O VERVIEWOVERVIEWThe SmartSwitch Remote Access Module software provides:• system software for the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module, LAN and WAN interfaces, andadministration functions• system files containing configuration and operational informationThis chapter provides an overview for each of the above software categories.S YSTEM SOFTWAREIncluded with each SmartSwitch Remote Access Module is a CD containing upgrade software andutility software. (Note that initial system software is factory-installed). The following systemsoftware files are available on the CD:upgrade.oswAll the system files needed for upgrading the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module are combinedin this file.defltcfg.oswAll of the system files needed to return your system configuration to the factory default arecombined in this file.S YSTEM FILESThe system files consist of the required configuration files, as well as the operational files that theSmartSwitch Remote Access Module maintains. All of these files may be accessed by usingavailable administrative commands. (Refer to the System Commands chapter for details.)Below is a brief description of the configuration and operational files.CONFIGURATION FILESThe configuration files store the configuration data. These files are located in the system’s\config directory. You can maintain these files by using VRA-CFG, which is delivered with thesystem.The configuration files associated with the system are:network.neiThis configuration file contains information about the switched network.devdb.neiThis file contains the On-node Device Database configuration information about each remotedevice.