9W006 and 9W007 193R EMOTE M ANAGEMENTCarbon CopyRUNNING WITHOUT CARBON COPYIf you plan to use one or more dedicated links of 1Mbps or more, you may wish to increase yoursystem’s performance by running without Carbon Copy.For each Platform, the chart below compares the maximum throughput supported with remotemanagement (running Carbon Copy) compared to the maximum throughput supported withrunning only a local console (running without Carbon Copy). As shown, the higher the maximumthroughput supported, the greater performance improvement there is when Carbon Copy is notrunning.Note: The above graph represents the guaranteed throughput without CRC errors. The actualthroughput may be higher.R EMOVING C ARBON C OPYTo remove Carbon Copy from your system:1. QUIT from the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module.2. At the DOS prompt, type “dropcc”.3. Reboot your SmartSwitch Remote Access Module.N ULL MODEM C ONNECTIONTo use Carbon Copy via a local NULL modem connection to make configuration changes, followthe steps listed below:1. Insert Disk 1 from your Installation or Upgrade disk set labeled R2.3I13 or later, and reboot.2. Carbon Copy will now be available via a NULL modem connection to the Serial Port.3. Once the configuration changes have been made, remove the floppy and reboot yourSmartSwitch Remote Access Module. Running the system with Disk 1 inserted is notrecommended.1024Kb 2048Kb 3072Kb 4096KbLegend: nnKbnnKbnnKb768Kb2560Kb4096Kb1384KbRemote Mgt (CC) or Local ConsoleOnly Local ConsoleMaximum Throughput Supported1536Kb1152Kb