9W006 and 9W007 63S YSTEM VERIFICATIONVerifying IP RIPTo verify the operation of IP RIP output processing on a LAN interface:1. Make sure that a static route to the network is configured on SITE1. On SITE1’sadministration console type:ip route If the route to is displayed continue with the next step.If the route is NOT displayed, you will need to use SFVRA-CFG to add the static route. To dothis:a. If it is not already running, start up SFVRA-CFG.b. From the toolbar, select Functions, then IP Network Systems, or click on the icon.c. Select SITE1 from displayed list (you should have already configured IP subnet andnetwork interface information for this site).d. Click on the Static Routes tab.e. Click on Add, then follow the onscreen instructions to add a static route.f. Download the new configuration files to SITE1.For more detailed instructions, refer to the following sections in the SFVRA ConfigurationManager User’s Guide:• For static routes: refer to Configuring IP Network System Static Routes in the Configuring IPNetwork Information chapter."SITE1""SITE2" A100.0.0.2LAN PLUSC a b l e t r o nSystemsMMAC-Plus withSmartSWITCHRemote Access ModuleCSX150