9W006 and 9W007 225S YSTEM COMMANDSSNMP CommandsWhile the “pkt display” is displayed on your monitor, you can display the following helpscreen by entering “?”:The time menu that is displayed when “t” is entered will enable you to toggle the timeincrement to be in either Sec (seconds), mSec (milliseconds), or tSec (deciseconds).When the packet marking option is used, all packet times will be displayed relative to thatmarked packet. To mark a packet, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the selected packetnumber, then press "m" The time for that packet will be set to 0. All packets received before thatpacket will have negative time values. All packets received after that marked packet will haveprogressively higher positive time values.SNMP C OMMANDSWhen the SNMP Agent is enabled on the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module, the followingcommand is available:snmp statsDisplays the current SNMP related statistics. Refer to SNMP Statistics, for a list of availablestatistics and their definitions.S PANNING T REE C OMMANDSSpanning Tree protocol is supported only on the two port Ethernet-2 adapter card. The Ethernet-1adapter card does not support Spanning Tree protocol, but does have access to the “BRIDGE AGETIME” Spanning Tree Information.When Spanning Tree protocol is enabled on the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module, the followingcommands are available:br stpport #>Displays Spanning Tree port information for the specified port number (either “1” or “2”).br stpbrdgDisplays Spanning Tree bridge information.ESC - Exit Menu‘u’ - Previous Menu‘d’ - Next Menu‘h’ - Top of Packet List‘e’ - End of Packet ListEnter - Display Packet Details‘t’ - Time Menu‘m’ - Marks Packet as Start TimeCursor- to select an entryHit any key to exit Help PreviousNext |