USER’S GUIDE192 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module4. Choose “Return to Application” from the Carbon Copy command menu. Press:Press: Performing a File Transfer Using CARBON COPYAfter a successful Carbon Copy logon, the lower right hand corner may contain the Carbon Copymenu. If the menu is not present, display it by pressing the and keyssimultaneously.To initiate the File Transfer Program, press the function key .The file transfer facility will display a one page tutorial. The administration console PC isconsidered the LOCAL PC. The SmartSwitch Remote Access Module is considered the HOST. Tocopy files, you issue a command similar to a standard MSDOS copy command and supply theproper prefix to the file paths. For example:COPY LC:NETWORK.NEI HC:\CONFIG\NETWORK.NEIwhere:L=LocalH=HostThis command will copy the NETWORK.NEI file from the current directory on the administrationconsoles PC's C: drive to the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module's C:\CONFIG directory. Thisdownloads files from the administration console PC to the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module. Toretrieve files such as system logs from the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module, simply reverse thecopy procedure.If you find you need to create subdirectories, rename files, type documents, or other similar filemanipulations, you can do so without leaving Carbon Copy. The file transfer facility offers DOScommand equivalents to RENAME, TYPE, MKDIR, DIR, and several other popular filemanipulation commands. Simply type HELP at the prompt to get more information.After you finish copying files and want to log-off, select Terminate Link from the command menu.Press: .Then select Return to Application from the command menu. Press . This will return you tothe DOS prompt.[F1] Terminate Link[F2] Switch Voice to Data Mode[F3] Capture Screen/Session[F4] Review/Replay Captured Image[F5] File Transfer Program[F6] Printer/LOG/DOS Control[F7] Terminal Emulation[F8] Data Link Maintenance[F10] Return to Application PreviousNext |