Table 3-7. Interrupt vector assignments (continued)Address Vector IRQ1 NVICIPRregisternumber2Source module Source description0x0000_0090 36 20 5 RTC Alarm interrupt0x0000_0094 37 21 5 RTC Seconds interrupt0x0000_0098 38 22 5 PIT Single interrupt vector for all channels0x0000_009C 39 23 5 — —0x0000_00A0 40 24 6 USB OTG0x0000_00A4 41 25 6 DAC00x0000_00A8 42 26 6 TSI00x0000_00AC 43 27 6 MCG0x0000_00B0 44 28 7 LPTMR00x0000_00B4 45 29 7 —0x0000_00B8 46 30 7 Port control module Pin detect (Port A)0x0000_00BC 47 31 7 Port control module Pin detect ( Port D )1. Indicates the NVIC's interrupt source number.2. Indicates the NVIC's IPR register number used for this IRQ. The equation to calculate this value is: IRQ div Determining the bitfield and register location for configuring aparticular interruptSuppose you need to configure the SPI0 interrupt. The following table is an excerpt of theSPI0 row from Interrupt priority levels.Table 3-8. Interrupt vector assignmentsAddress Vector IRQ1 NVIC IPRregisternumber2Source module Source description0x0000_0068 26 10 2 SPI0 Single interrupt vector for all sources1. Indicates the NVIC's interrupt source number.2. Indicates the NVIC's IPR register number used for this IRQ. The equation to calculate this value is: IRQ div 4.• The NVIC registers you would use to configure the interrupt are:• NVICIPR2• To determine the particular IRQ's bitfield location within these particular registers:• NVICIPR2 bitfield starting location = 8 * (IRQ mod 4) + 6 = 22Since the NVICIPR bitfields are 2-bit wide (4 priority levels), the NVICIPR2 bitfieldrange is 22-23Therefore, the following bitfield locations are used to configure the SPI0 interrupts:Core ModulesKL25 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 3, September 201254 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.