Debug SupportMCF5272 ColdFire ® Integrated Microprocessor User’s Manual, Rev. 3Freescale Semiconductor 5-155.5 Background Debug Mode (BDM)The ColdFire Family implements a low-level system debugger in the microprocessor hardware.Communication with the development system is handled through a dedicated, high-speed serial commandinterface. The ColdFire architecture implements the BDM controller in a dedicated hardware module.Although some BDM operations, such as CPU register accesses, require the CPU to be halted, other BDMcommands, such as memory accesses, can be executed while the processor is running.28–2212–6EDx Setting an EDx bit enables the corresponding data breakpoint condition based on the size and placementon the processor’s local data bus. Clearing all EDx bits disables data breakpoints.28/12 EDLW Data longword. Entire processor’s local data bus.27/11 EDWL Lower data word.26/10 EDWU Upper data word.25/9 EDLL Lower lower data byte. Low-order byte of the low-order word.24/8 EDLM Lower middle data byte. High-order byte of the low-order word.23/7 EDUM Upper middle data byte. Low-order byte of the high-order word.22/6 EDUU Upper upper data byte. High-order byte of the high-order word.21/5 DI Data breakpoint invert. Provides a way to invert the logical sense of all the data breakpoint comparators.This can develop a trigger based on the occurrence of a data value other than the DBR contents.20–18/4–2EAx Enable address bits. Setting an EA bit enables the corresponding address breakpoint. Clearing all three bitsdisables the breakpoint.20/4 EAI Enable address breakpoint inverted. Breakpoint is based outside the range between ABLR andABHR.19/3 EAR Enable address breakpoint range. The breakpoint is based on the inclusive range defined byABLR and ABHR.18/2 EAL Enable address breakpoint low. The breakpoint is based on the address in the ABLR.17/1 EPC Enable PC breakpoint. If set, this bit enables the PC breakpoint.16/0 PCI Breakpoint invert. If set, this bit allows execution outside a given region as defined by PBR and PBMR toenable a trigger. If cleared, the PC breakpoint is defined within the region defined by PBR and PBMR.Table 5-14. TDR Field Descriptions (continued)Bits Name Description