Debug SupportMCF5272 ColdFire ® Integrated Microprocessor User’s Manual, Rev. 35-24 Freescale Semiconductor5. Read Memory Location (READ)Read data at the longword address. Address space is defined by BAAR[TT,TM]. Hardware forceslow-order address bits to zeros for word and longword accesses to ensure that word addresses areword-aligned and longword addresses are longword-aligned.Command/Result Formats:Command Sequence:Figure 5-22. READ Command SequenceOperand Data The only operand is the longword address of the requested location.Result Data Word results return 16 bits of data; longword results return 32. Bytes are returnedin the LSB of a word result, the upper byte is undefined. 0x0001 (S = 1) is returnedif a bus error occurs.15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0ByteCommand0x1 0x9 0x0 0x0A[31:16]A[15:0]Result X X X X X X X X D[7:0]Word Command 0x1 0x9 0x4 0x0A[31:16]A[15:0]Result D[15:0]Longword Command 0x1 0x9 0x8 0x0A[31:16]A[15:0]Result D[31:16]D[15:0]Figure 5-21. READ Command/Result FormatsMS ADDR"NOT READY"LS ADDR"NOT READY"READ (B/W)???NEXT CMD"NOT READY"XXX"NOT READY"XXXXXXBERRRESULTNEXT CMDREADMEMORYLOCATIONMS ADDR"NOT READY"LS ADDR"NOT READY"READ (LONG)???NEXT CMD"NOT READY"XXX"NOT READY"XXXXXXBERRMS RESULTXXXREADMEMORYLOCATIONNEXT CMDLS RESULT